Solutions - Accounting module
Any client whose accounting we want to work on can be selected/filtered.
Right at the beginning, we find the currently calculated profit/loss. This, of course, can change continuously. Not like the old joke where the accountant answers the question "What is 2 times 2?" with "What should it be?" but simply due to daily operations.
The income statement is not only helpful for the accountant but also for the company's management as the end of the year approaches. It allows them to calculate how they want to close and how their ideas can be realized.

In the module, you will find numerous downloadable pieces of information, including:
- Open items (both receivables and payables),
- Last recorded entry - thus making it visible when the last entered items were processed,
- VAT prepayment: quick access to information about how much VAT needs to be paid,
- Petty cash.

With the help of the Outgoing and Incoming entry tabs, invoices can be uploaded faster and easier than ever before, eliminating paperwork and related logistics.
The Accounting Advisory Invoices tab enables us to always have accurate information about who downloaded what and when.
Under the Business Organization Documents tab, you can find documents supporting the management of the company, as well as downloadable payroll and accounting documents.
With this module, our communication becomes much more direct, faster, and up-to-date since every client can submit tickets if they need, for example, a tax clearance certificate from the National Tax and Customs Administration (NAV) or anything else.